ProCare - Hospitals and faculties together for prosperous and scientific based healthcare (PROGRAM ERASMUS +)

The aim of the Erasmus+ project ProCare (Hospitals and faculties together for prosperous and scientific based healthcare) is to enhance the research alliance between partner hospitals and HEIs, to raise the profile of research in nursing and thus improve patient outcomes. This project aims also to encourage such alliances across Europe via freely available learning programme and a guidance document on developing Nursing research as example of good practice of the knowledge triangle implementation in nursing research development.

This project addresses two complex issues: the lack of research knowledge among RNs and poor research alliance between hospitals and HEIs. The project consortium consists of hospitals and HEIs that will address these issues jointly. The profile of research in nursing will be raised by increasing both research capacity and capability. Nursing research knowledge alliance will be encouraged through 5 identified objectives:

1. to build infrastructure with research leadership that will support a research active environment (analysing nursing work environment and enablers/barriers in facilitating nurses to do research, establishing nursing research groups/units; identifying research mentors within the hospitals and linked researchers at HEI); 
2. to improve access to research training and support opportunities (developing online learning programme on nursing research);
3. to identify research priorities in practice and link in with HEI to address them jointly
4. to encourage intra-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary & inter-agency research collaborations (research group establishment; journal clubs);
5. to raise the profile of research conducted by nurses to internal and external organisations (encouraging nurses to submit abstracts to conferences, journals and improve research writing skills.

Partner institutions:

Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care

University of Alicante

University of Udine

University of Limerick

University of Maribor, Faculty of organizational sciences

Splošna Bolnišnica Jesenice

Clinica Vistahermosa

Clinica Udine

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